Sex & Relationships

Healthy Sexuality means taking care of your body, practicing safer sex, being comfortable with yourself, and your relationships.
In part, your sexuality determines who you're attracted to and the kinds of sexual relationships you want to have throughout your lifetime.
Healthy Relationships
Some relationships are temporary or casual, others are more committed and longer lasting. Some people prefer to be in a monogamous relationship, while others may find that polyamory or casual sex is a better fit for them. Whatever style of relationship you choose, the important thing is that you and your partner(s) talk openly and honestly about it.
Healthy relationships are based on healthy boundaries, mutual respect, trust, honesty, caring, and open communication. Every relationship is unique. Ultimately the people in a relationship decide what is healthy for them, but here are a few things to consider . . .
Does your partner make you feel good about you?
Do they respect your decisions?
Do your feelings matter to them?
Can you count on them?
Are you honest with each other?
Do you feel safe around them?
Can you talk about things that matter to you?